Thursday 5 January 2012

Day 5 - Making Commitments

Ok, so it's only a pot of hyacinth bulbs ... but for me, actually putting the glass beads and bulbs in the pot, adding the water, putting it in a cool, dark place and - most importantly -  checking the water level every day all represent commitment. So many times (really, countless times!!) in my life, I have bought or been given something, taken something on, agreed to do something, had a "brilliant" idea about something ... and never committed myself enough to do the work necessary to see it though, even if it was something simple and something I wanted to do! (There's clearly some sort of psychological "block" or "issue" there!)

But this lovely birthday gift from one of my two step-daughters gave me the opportunity to begin changing that pattern of my life. I am hoping for big strides forward for me, this year ... and it all starts with one little step!

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