Friday 6 January 2012

Day 6 - A Lovely Surprise!

I had a delightful package arrive in the post this morning. One of my (five) sisters had missed my birthday, just before Christmas, and had felt bad about it ... so she sent me a very sweet note, a "festive folk star" (which is a cute, stuffed, shiny-fabric fairy!!) and this lovely bead-and-mirror hanging thing (not sure I can call it a "wind chime" as it doesn't chime!). If anyone knows what they are actually called, I'd be grateful for the information ... I probably already know, but my memory is pretty shot and I can't be bothered to look it up on Google!

The sister who sent it to me (Christine) is something of an artist, and I have decided that this beautiful thing will go into my "studio", along with a number of other items that are a teensy bit "hippy-ish"! Although I like my home fairly minimalistic, clean, organised and a little bit "feng shui" ... there is a wilder, arty-er, hippy-er, less controlled (and perhaps more fun) side to me that has been in hiding throughout my years of depression ... I'm not quite ready to let her run riot in my house, just yet (it's important to my recovery to have certain things under control), but I think she could have a little freedom up in my studio (summer house in the garden), where artistic things are - hopefully - going to happen!!


  1. Ooh - purple! I'm a sucker for purple things. I like the background you've chosen to photograph the 'thingy' against - great contrast in texture and colour. I reckon it's time you let your hippy, artistic side rip, Val!

  2. There's a little bit of a purple-y glint in the beads, Helen, but the drops are actually deep blue, I'm afraid!

    (And I'm too nervous to let her "rip" yet, I'm afraid! I'll give her some freedom in the studio - and maybe even the garden - but she's still banned from the house for a bit longer yet, LOL!!)

  3. Thanks, Angel - lovely, isn't it? xx

  4. love it..i bet it will look gorgeous when the sun shines through it..i would call it a 'mobile' but whether that is the right name for it, i don't know

  5. Thanks Janie ... I almost did call it a mobile, but then I had visions of balsa wood aeroplanes, or cardboard dinosaurs ... didn't quite go with this delicate little beauty!! Perhaps we'll have to make up a name?

    How about a tinkly twinkler? :-/
