Tuesday 21 February 2012

Day 52 - First Full Day Smoke-Free!

Yes, I know I said I'd stopped smoking back in early January ... but it turns out I hadn't! I thought (having previously read the book illustrated below) that I would be able to just stop again, just like that! But having smoked pretty much constantly for almost five months, it wasn't that simple. I needed to re-read the book and commit, this time, to never smoking again.

What happened last time (two-and-a-half years ago) was that I stopped smoking on a daily basis, but would still have the occasional one with my step-daughter or one of my sisters. Even though this only happened every couple of months or so, it perpetuated the dependency ... albeit surreptitiously! Lessons learned. Yes, I may be able to have the odd cigarette here and there, without needing to return to smoking on a daily basis ... but if I do, the time between them will gradually get less and less, until I have to start buying a packet of 10 and, eventually, returning to full-on smoking.

So the difference - this time - is that I have re-read the book, understanding how it relates to "occasional smokers" as well as full-time smokers and have quite happily smoked my last ever cigarette. That was yesterday, so today has been my first full day smoke-free. I feel absolutely fine and have had NO desire whatsoever for a cigarette. With no hesitancy whatsoever, I wholeheartedly recommend this book to any smoker who doesn't want to poison themselves any longer, but thinks they "can't" give up.

You can. And it is easy. Buy yourself this book, or borrow it from your local library ... you'll be glad you did!

Allen Carr's "Easy Way to Stop Smoking" on Amazon UK